
Build the best coils.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Top 3 May E-Liquids from My Freedom Smokes

Top 3 May E-Liquids from My Freedom Smokes

Top 3

E-liquids are like your favorite seasonal coffee or teas, and just like these flavors your e-juice should complement the mood of the season. May is here and spring has sprung, needless to say it is high time you upgrade your e-liquid collection to fit the mood. When you think of spring flavors think of warm breezes, tropical rainy days and delicious fruity flavors. Here we will discover the top 3 e-liquid flavors that will make this may taste amazing.

Slushie Max
When you think about the gorgeous days of May, imagine the the warm breezes you feel on the ferris wheel at a street carnival. What can cool you off and make your day like an ice cold Slurpee? Slushie Max e-liquid is the perfect May vape, for days spent just relaxing in the beautiful weather or kicking it with friends at a backyard cookout. The sweet berry blend and icy punch finish, will leave you feeling like you just left the convenience store slush machine all day. Be careful this e-liquid is hard to put down and easy to love.

Old-Timey Bubblegum
School is almost out and there is nothing like the taste of sweet classic bubble gum to bring you back to simpler times. This sweet simple flavor with remind you of the study halls, detentions and sweet schoolhouse romances of your past. This e-liquid smell as good as it tastes, so don’t forget what your teacher always said “Don’t take it out unless you’ve got enough for everybody!”

This Peach e-liquid is the perfect flavor to kick off the warmer months, and this May peach is going to be a great vape to tote around everywhere you go. The light fresh flavor of this e-liquid is sure to please your senses. Peach flavor e-juice is a lovely drip on its own but don’t be afraid to mix this with other flavors as well to add a little something special. Peach is a pick for May but it is truly a year round drip.

Try these great flavors picks for May from My Freedom Smokes and share your thoughts on them, while you’re at it, feel free to suggest other delicious flavor favorites that you think would be a great all day vape for the month of May.

See the original post here:
Top 3 May E-Liquids from My Freedom Smokes

GP-Y30 UV Filter + Lens Cap Set for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera

GP-Y30 UV Filter + Lens Cap Set for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera

GP-Y30 UV Filter + Lens Cap Set for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera



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GP-Y30 UV Filter + Lens Cap Set for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera

GP-Y30 UV Filter + Lens Cap Set for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera

Camera, filter, GPY30, Lens, Sports, Xiaomi

GP-Y32 Lens Cap for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera

GP-Y32 Lens Cap for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera

GP-Y32 Lens Cap for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera



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GP-Y32 Lens Cap for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera

GP-Y32 Lens Cap for Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera

Camera, GPY32, Lens, Sports, Xiaomi

Building coils with surface area to produce the most vapor

Building coils with surface area to produce the most vapor

When it comes to producing vapor, aka clouds, it’s not about ohms, volts, watts, diamaters, wraps, etc. It’s primarily about one thing, and that is surface area. Surface area is primarily the amount of resistance wire that is in contact with the wick. The more wire on your wick, the more e-juice you can vaporize and get more vapor production.


On a regulated mod, then you want to go for the most surface area possible because you can increase the voltage to reach higher watts on a high resistance coil. For the most part, surface area on microcoils means more wraps and therefore more of the coil coming in contact with the coil. As you increase the wraps (and therefore the ohms) your regulated mods will increase the voltage to produce more watts. This is due to ohms law which I am sure a lot of you are familiar with by now.

So since regulated mods can control the voltage unlike mech mods, this mean you aren’t limited by the ohms of the coil to create more watts/power to the coil. For example:


Mention a “2 ohm build” to a “cloud chaser” and he’ll laugh at you. In his mind he imagines a cheap pre-built clearomizer running a few watts producing almost no vapor at all. That’s because in his mind when you talk about a 2 ohm build he’s thinking about supplying it with a maximum of 4.2 volts… Which means almost 9 watts. But suppose you took that same 2 ohm build and ran 9 volts into it? All of a sudden you’re kicking out 40 watts of power. And spreading that 40 watts out over a large surface area.

So that’s the beauty of regulated mods & box mods like all these new devices coming out. You can easily build longer coils with more surface area but still control the amount of power being sent to the coil. You can vaporize more liquid and therefore produce more vapor.


On a mechanical mod you are limited by the voltage (set at 4.2 – 3.7 volts as the battery discharges) of the battery so the only way you can increase the watts is to lower the resistance of the coil. People seem to have forgotten that the whole point of lower resistance was to achieve a higher power output, not necessarily to produce more vapor. We can’t control the voltage so therefore our only option to control the amount of power going to the coils (watts) is through adjusting the ohms (resistance). Subohm coils were born this way and this started the demand for high amp limit and high performance batteries (like the Sony VTC4 18650 batteries that are so rare these days).


To get a lower resistance coil, this is done by using less wraps in a coil, a lower gauge kanthal, or by wrapping/twisting/parallel/Clapton techniques with the wire. The reason for these techniques is to increase the amounts of wraps that can be used while lowering the resistance of the coil. Too many times people who build for mech mods try to build the same way for regulated mods. They are different animals. They aren’t designed to run the same sorts of builds. You really need to know how to build customized coils to get the same surface area as easily as with a regulated device but it certainly can be done.

Building coils with surface area to produce the most vapor

atomizer coils, best build, best ohms, best wraps, building cloud chasing, building coils, cloud chasing builds, cloud chasing coils, clouds coils, coil builds, coil surface area, how many wraps, increase vapor, increasing vapor with build, mech mod coils, most vapor builds, ohm coilds, ohms

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hazz Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Hazz Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Hazz Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

stainless steel (purple plated) / 22mm dia.


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Hazz Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Hazz Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

atomizer, dripping, Hazz, mini, rebuildable

Bambino Atty Styled Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Bambino Atty Styled Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Bambino Atty Styled Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

brass / 24.8*22mm (H*D)


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Bambino Atty Styled Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Bambino Atty Styled Mini RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

atomizer, Atty, Bambino, dripping, mini, rebuildable, styled

510 USB Charger for eGo E-Cigarette Battery

510 USB Charger for eGo E-Cigarette Battery

510 USB Charger for eGo E-Cigarette Battery

white / 2.5cm


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510 USB Charger for eGo E-Cigarette Battery

510 USB Charger for eGo E-Cigarette Battery

battery, charger, ECigarette

Protetive PU Pouch for iStick 20W 30W VV VW APV Box Mod

Protetive PU Pouch for iStick 20W 30W VV VW APV Box Mod

Protetive PU Pouch for iStick 20W 30W VV VW APV Box Mod

brown / 39cm lanyard


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Protetive PU Pouch for iStick 20W 30W VV VW APV Box Mod

Self-adhesive Stickerbomb Skin for Sigelei 150W VW APV Box Mod (4 Pieces)

Self-adhesive Stickerbomb Skin for Sigelei 150W VW APV Box Mod (4 Pieces)

Self-adhesive Stickerbomb Skin for Sigelei 150W VW APV Box Mod (4 Pieces)



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Self-adhesive Stickerbomb Skin for Sigelei 150W VW APV Box Mod (4 Pieces)

Self-adhesive Stickerbomb Skin for Sigelei 150W VW APV Box Mod (4 Pieces)

150W, Pieces, Selfadhesive, Sigelei, Skin, Stickerbomb

Monday, April 27, 2015

Eleaf iStick Styled 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

Eleaf iStick Styled 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

Eleaf iStick Styled 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

3-5.5V / 2-20W


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Eleaf iStick Styled 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

Eleaf iStick Styled 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

2200mAh, Eleaf, iStick, styled, variable, voltage, Wattage

Authentic Eleaf iStick 30W 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

Authentic Eleaf iStick 30W 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

Authentic Eleaf iStick 30W 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

2-8V / 5-30W / black


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Authentic Eleaf iStick 30W 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

Authentic Eleaf iStick 30W 2200mAh Variable Voltage / Wattage APV Box Mod

2200mAh, authentic, Eleaf, iStick, variable, voltage, Wattage

Find More Readers and Sell More Books With Titles That Engage Your Reader's Curiosity

Find More Readers and Sell More Books With Titles That Engage Your Reader's Curiosity

Find More Readers and Sell More Books With Titles That Engage Your Reader’s Curiosity

If you want to find more readers and sell more books, you must choose a title that immediately engages your prospective reader’s attention and compels them to take the next step and learn more. That’s why the titles of many bestselling nonfiction books are intended to arouse the prospective reader’s curiosity.

Curiosity titles succeed because they are deliberately vague, or intentionally provocative. Either way, however, curiosity titles can sell more books because they attract attention and engage prospective book buyer, provoking questions that compel the prospective book buyer to take the next step:

In a bookstore, the next step generally is to turn the book over and read the back-cover, or review the table of contents.
Online, the next step usually involves reading the book’s description and skimming the reader reviews.

In either case, the reader has been engaged, and is on their way to buying your book.

The six types of “curiosity” titles:

Titles that require explanation. These titles don’t make sense on their own, arousing questions like “What’s this all about?” Once prospective reader has asked themselves this question, they’re almost certainly going to turn the book, or read on, to learn more.
Contradiction titles. These titles contain words that, on the surface, contract themselves. These titles cause readers ask themselves, “How can that be?”

Outrageous titles. These go a step further in provoking reader’s to learn more.
“Peeping Tom” titles. These titles appeal to your reader’s voyeuristic tendencies. Upon encountering your title, readers want to know “What it was like to go through that?” or “What’s the real inside story?”

Exploration titles. These titles provoke questions like “What does the author mean?” They are provocative in that they challenge the reader’s existing knowledge by implying that there is more to be known about a topic than the reader’s already know.
Relationship titles. These titles sell more books by creating a relationship between a topic and a frame of reference that readers can relate to.

Although “transparent” titles that clearly describe a book’s benefits and the book’s intended market are usually the most desirable, sometimes “curiosity” titles, like the ones described below, can sell more books. These titles can also be more memorable, making word-of-mouth referrals and recommendations easier.

Secrets of titles that require explanation

One of the most successful nonfiction book successes of the past 30 years is Richard Bolles’ s What Color Is Your Parachute? which is updated each year. Originating as a comment during a meeting discussing the plight of those who have been downsized, Parachute? books have sold over 10 million copies around the world.

With 10 million copies in print, clearly, the title has outsold its more “straightforward” competition, because it engages the reader’s curiosity and begs the question, “How can this book possibly help me?”

The titles of Malcolm Gladwell’s best-selling nonfiction books also arouse curiosity. The latest is Outliers. When a reader picks-up a book with a strange title in the “bestselling nonfiction” area of a bookstore, they inevitably ask: “What is an outlier?” and “Why should I care?” This compels them to turn the book over, or–if they’re online–read some of the descriptive copy or watch the author video.

Contradictory titles

Contradictory titles can be very successful. They succeed by making the most of the brief second, or two, available to attract a prospective book buyer’s interest and encourage them to spend more time exploring your book’s contents. The strength of these titles comes from the apparent opposition between elements of the title.

The contradiction between title elements can make these titles very memorable.

An example is David Chilton’s Wealthy Barber. How can a barber–someone who spends their time cutting other people’s hair–become wealthy? What’s the catch? Once you have engaged your prospect’s attention enough to get them to ask a question, it becomes relatively easy to complete the sale. Consider 2 books containing the same information:

The Wealthy Barber A Guide to Financial Independence Which title is more memorable? Even better, Which title promises you a better reading experience?

Timothy Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek is a best-selling exampleof a contradiction title. Upon encountering it, readers will typically ask: “How can it be?” or “What’s the catch?” And, the book is turned-over, or opened, and the door has been opened to another copy sold. Even if they don’t believe the title’s premise, they’re likely to want to know what the author is trying to get away with!

The power of Outrageous titles attract readers by “going too far”

Seth Godin, one of America’s most popular marketing authorities and personalities, is a master of the outrageous title. One of Seth’s best books is his Purple Cow. After all, “Purple cows don’t exist, so what he talking about?”

Another one of Seth Godin’s books is his All Marketers Are Liars. If you’re a marketing professional, you’d be hard pressed not to ask, “What does Seth mean?” or “Has he really good too far this time?” And, having asked the question, your attemtopm jas beem emgaged and you explore further.

Selling more books with a “Peeping Tom” title

Just as drivers always slow down when passing the scene of an automobile accident, readers want to know the inside story, they want to know what it was like to survive an event or go through an experience.

David Ogilvy’s Confessions of an Advertising Man is a classic example of a “Peeping Tom” title. It promises, and actually delivers, an insider’s look at the thought processes and one of the pioneers of modern advertising. In a similar vein, Paul B. Brown’s Publishing Confidential and Jerry Simmons’ What Writers Need to Know about Publishing, provide inside glimpses of book publishing.

Curiosity titles can be successful for decades. Frank Bettger’s “How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling has been in print for well over 50 years! This title connects with everyone’s love of a “rags to riches” story. The title also resonates with a universal fear of failure.

Examples of successful Exploration titles

Exploration titles encourage readers to learn what they don’t know. They challenge the limits of a prospective reader’s existing knowledge.

One of a best examples of an Exploration title is Patricia Shultz’s 1000 Places to See Before You Die. The success of this concept has been repeated in other “1000” books, such as Workman Press’s 1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die and a host of imitators.

Books don’t sell themselves

It takes a title to sell a book. Curiosity is one of the most powerful techniques you can use when choosing a title for your book. Curiosity titles find more readers and sell more books by engaging the prospective book buyer’s interest and compelling them to learn more.

When does a curiosity title make sense? A starting point is to analze the titles of existing books in your field. What type of titles do they have? Are the titles so descriptive and targeted that they lack character? If so, a curiosity title might make sense.

If you do choose a curiosity title, however, make sure it is a meaningful one, one that–after a brief description or explanation–makes sense to your readers. There’s a thin line between arousing curiosity and confusing your prospect book buyer. Curiosity titles, once explained, should become obvious, so they’ll stick in your reader’s mind.

Learn more

Roger C. Parker is the ,000,000 author with over 1.6 million copies in print. Visit the Published & Profitable Blog for more title ideas and sign-up for free weekly writing tips and advance notice of free upcoming teleseminar interviews with authors, editors, and publishing insiders.

View a list of previous author and publisher interviews at Published & Profitable Visit Published & Profitable’s Sample Content area with articles, assessments, templates, and videos to help you get started planning, writing, promoting, and profiting from your book.

Best wishes on your writing success!

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Find More Readers and Sell More Books With Titles That Engage Your Reader's Curiosity

Books, Curiosity, Engage, Find, More, Readers, Sell, Titles

Smocare Perfect 30W 2200mAh VW VV Variable Wattage / Voltage APV Box Mod

Smocare Perfect 30W 2200mAh VW VV Variable Wattage / Voltage APV Box Mod

Smocare Perfect 30W 2200mAh VW VV Variable Wattage / Voltage APV Box Mod

0.5-9.9V / 1-30W / aluminum alloy / silver


VaperCoils Fasttech Stripper

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Smocare Perfect 30W 2200mAh VW VV Variable Wattage / Voltage APV Box Mod

2200mAh, perfect, Smocare, variable, voltage, Wattage

Authentic Freemax Starre Tank Sub Ohm DVC Clearomizer

Authentic Freemax Starre Tank Sub Ohm DVC Clearomizer

Authentic Freemax Starre Tank Sub Ohm DVC Clearomizer

0.5ohm (20-60W) / 5ml


VaperCoils Fasttech Stripper

Authentic Freemax Starre Tank Sub Ohm DVC Clearomizer

authentic, clearomizer, Freemax, Starre, tank

Saturday, April 25, 2015

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

1*CR2025 / w/ AV cable


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7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

1*CR2025 / w/ AV cable


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7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

A Quick Insight into Nicotine

A Quick Insight into Nicotine

Learning About Nicotine

Electronic cigarettes and nicotine seem like a cool match for each other. However, both have been the topic of vast amounts of scrutiny over these last few years now. That’s why we want to set the record straight, focusing mainly this blog article on nicotine.

For starters, many are simply not aware that among all the negatives related with smoking, nicotine’s not part of the list. Nicotine’s a stimulant and like caffeine, it triggers the escape of chemical messengers in the brain, similar to endorphins.

A lot of people assess nicotine to be a drug, classifying it in the alike context as alcohol or drugs. However, when examined correctly and scientifically, it has shown to be the opposite. Dissimilar to other substances deemed as recreational drugs, nicotine doesn’t issue any sort of mind-altering, intoxicating “high”. It’s a naturally occurring substance. While it’s located frequently in tobacco, it’s also found in the family of vegetables known as Solanaceae (tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant).

Nicotine has zero effect or impairment on judgment, motor skills, or attentiveness. We all know it’s legal to drive and smoke cigarettes (though smoking is bad for you). In fact, nicotine has displayed benefits that include added concentration, enhanced motor skills, and the capacity to pay better attention. These advantages are so well put together, they’re being contemplated as viable treatment alternatives for a broad range of illnesses including:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Tourette’s Syndrome

  • Alzheimer Disease

  • Sleep Apnea

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • Obesity

  • Different types of skin disorders.

In addition, nicotine hasn’t been found to be a carcinogen. There’s no getting around the fact that cigarettes contain a lot carcinogenic properties, so again nicotine isn’t in that group.

More here:
A Quick Insight into Nicotine

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

1*CR2025 /w/ AV cable


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7" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor w/ LCD Remote + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

Kamry 30W V2 VW Variable Wattage 7-30W APV Box Mod

Kamry 30W V2 VW Variable Wattage 7-30W APV Box Mod

Kamry 30W V2 VW Variable Wattage 7-30W APV Box Mod



Go here to read the rest:

Kamry 30W V2 VW Variable Wattage 7-30W APV Box Mod

Atlantis V2 Styled Sub-Ohm Tank Clearomizer

Atlantis V2 Styled Sub-Ohm Tank Clearomizer

Atlantis V2 Styled Sub-Ohm Tank Clearomizer

3ml / 0.3ohm / stainless steel + glass


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Atlantis V2 Styled Sub-Ohm Tank Clearomizer

Osmium Styled Mechanical Box Mod

Osmium Styled Mechanical Box Mod

Osmium Styled Mechanical Box Mod

2*18650 / copper + brass + POM / black


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Osmium Styled Mechanical Box Mod

Samurai V2 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Samurai V2 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Samurai V2 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

POM + stainless steel / 22.5mm dia. / silver AFC


See more here:

Samurai V2 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Exquisite 8-in-1 Complete Dental Care Kit

Exquisite 8-in-1 Complete Dental Care Kit

Exquisite 8-in-1 Complete Dental Care Kit

plastic + nylon


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Exquisite 8-in-1 Complete Dental Care Kit

Authentic Joyetech eGo ONE Clearomizer

Authentic Joyetech eGo ONE Clearomizer

Authentic Joyetech eGo ONE Clearomizer

1.8ml / 1ohm / silver


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Authentic Joyetech eGo ONE Clearomizer

Friday, April 24, 2015

RIG RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

RIG RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

RIG RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

stainless steel / 22mm diameter / silver


See the rest here:
RIG RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

RIG RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Mutation X V5 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Mutation X V5 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Mutation X V5 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

stainless steel / 22mm diameter / silver


See more here:
Mutation X V5 Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Flying & Traveling with E Cigs - What you need to know

Flying & Traveling with E Cigs - What you need to know

We’ve heard all the horror stories about trying to travel with your e cig gear. Security agents mistaking mech mods as pipe bombs, VV devices as illegal drug paraphernalia, issues with spare batteries, foreign bans on electronic cigarettes, etc. The list goes on and traveling with devices is a complete headache. Make sure you’re prepared! Nothing is more painful than having to throw away all of your gear in the trash at an airport because someone mistakes your devices for something else. Read this info and educate yourself so you can explain exactly what you’re carrying and what you’re entitled to and legally allowed to travel with.

Traveling with Lithium Batteries / Spare Batteries / VV/VW Mods & Box Mods:

Lithium batteries are once again under the spotlight due to their ability to explode / cause fires / crash planes, whatever. You’re good with your devices in carry-ons but NOT spare batteries in checked baggage. If they’re inside a device on checked baggage it should be okay but MAKE SURE YOU LOCK YOUR DEVICE. You wouldn’t want your atty to auto fire after your luggage shifts around and start a fire. That would absolutely destroy the vaping community alone.


3-1-1 Liquids Rule

By far the most annoying part about vaping is having to check your e liquid in a plastic bag along with your other liquids. This limits the amount of juice you can bring and is a pure hassle preparing ahead of time.

Liquids, gels, aerosols, creams and pastes must be 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less per container; must be in 1 quart-sized, clear, plastic, zip-top bag; 1 bag per passenger placed in screening bin. The bag limits the total liquid volume each traveler can bring.

Good luck balancing how much juice you can fit vs. if you want shampoo / soap / whatever. If you’re checking a bag you’re good putting them in there though:

If your liquids are not in a secure, tamper-evident bag, you must pack them in your checked bag.

Flying with RTAs / Clearomizers / Tanks


If you fly with a tank, either empty them prior to flight or you want them to be about half full. If filled, turn them upside down during ascent or descent. I have a little zippered pouch that I keep my tanks in while flying and its real easy to just put them upside down in the seat back in front of you. OR you can keep your tanks empty until you get to your destination. I do not recommend vaping on planes as they’re still not understood and that’s also an interrogation waiting to happen. You can hold off for a few hours hopefully.

Individually bagging tanks is a very good idea, as they will leak due to the decreased air pressure at altitude. I go further by wrapping each tank in a little paper towel before packing.

Also, you don’t have to pull your mod out of your bag and put it in a tray with shoes and stuff, your choice.

Kanthal / Tools / Pliers / Other Accessories

This is a tricky area. Some tools are allowed like those little blue screw drivers while others are prohibited. You probably don’t want to bring your pliers, a big butane torch, a few hundred feet of kanthal, etc. Be smart about it and check the list to be sure. In fact I would recommend you build some spare coils and wick them in advance if you know you’re going to have to rebuild or rewick.




Flying & Traveling with E Cigs - What you need to know

airport security vaping, can I fly with my electronic cigarette, e cig airport, e cig flying rules, e cig planes, e juice flying, e liquid flying, e liquid planes, electronic cigarette flying, flying e cigs, planes electronic cigarette, security vaping, traveling with vape gear, TSA e cigs, TSA e juice, TSA electronic cigarettes, vape airport, vape gear TSA, vaping airport, vaping planes, vaping TSA

Kamry 60W VW Variable Wattage 7-60W APV Box Mod

Kamry 60W VW Variable Wattage 7-60W APV Box Mod

Kamry 60W VW Variable Wattage 7-60W APV Box Mod



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Kamry 60W VW Variable Wattage 7-60W APV Box Mod

Rubik Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Rubik Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Rubik Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

22mm diameter / stainless steel


Go here to read the rest:
Rubik Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Thursday, April 23, 2015

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Short Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Short Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Short Bracket Kit

w/ AV cable


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4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Short Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

w/ AV cable


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4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

w/ AV cable


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4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

w/ AV cable


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4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Minitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Minitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Minitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

w/ wireless transmitter & receiver


4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Minitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Short Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Short Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Short Bracket Kit

w/ AV cable


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4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Short Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Camera w/ Long Bracket Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

w/ AV cable


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4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Strawhat Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

w/ AV cable


See the rest here:

4.3" TFT LCD Folding Car Rearview Monitor + Wing Shaped Camera Kit

NextGen Styled RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer

NextGen Styled RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer

NextGen Styled RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer

stainless steel + glass / 4ml


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NextGen Styled RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer

Buhawi Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Buhawi Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Buhawi Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

copper + stainless steel / 22mm diameter / blue


Go here to read the rest:

Buhawi Styled RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer

Zealot 900mAh Variable Wattage E-Cigarette Starter Kit

Zealot 900mAh Variable Wattage E-Cigarette Starter Kit

Zealot 900mAh Variable Wattage E-Cigarette Starter Kit

2ml / 1.5ohm / 9W + 12W + 16W / white


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Zealot 900mAh Variable Wattage E-Cigarette Starter Kit

Authentic Sense Herakles Sub Ohm Tank Clearomizer

Authentic Sense Herakles Sub Ohm Tank Clearomizer

Authentic Sense Herakles Sub Ohm Tank Clearomizer

5ml / 0.6ohm / 22mm diameter / stainless steel + glass


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Authentic Sense Herakles Sub Ohm Tank Clearomizer

Authentic Sense Herakles Sub Ohm Tank Clearomizer