After building coils myself and trying a wide variety of different builds, here are my experiences on the the different builds out there. As we all know, depending on how you shape the coil you will get different properties and a very different vape.
Macrocoils are like microcoils but have a much largerinside diameter. These yields a higher resistance compared to micro or nano with the main advantage being that you can stuff a bunch of cotton in it and thus you don’t have to drip as often. Flavor is average.
Nanocoils give a lower resistance and when you do a dragon wick you can get pretty big clouds on a relatively high resistance build. For example, 6 wrap 28 gauge dragon coil comes out to ~.4 but clouds as well as a 6 wrap 24 gauge microcoil which ohms out to ~.25. So a safe and cool vape with decent clouds. Flavor is a little below average microcoil and I do find that you have to drip more often.
Microcoils are somewhere between macro and nano as far as clouds, flavor, and heat. A 4 wrap 22 gauge centerposted built around a 2.4mm screwdriver ohming at around .15 is my personal go to build.
Parallel Microcoils burn hot, ohm low, and kill batteries but flavor and clouds are superior to any previously mentioned coil. For those of you unfamiliar with parallel, it is taking two strands of kanthal and wrapping them as you would a micro or macrocoil. This halves the resistance and is like putting a dual-coil in a single-coil build.
Twisted coils give amazing flavor and typically cloud better but it all comes down to what you are twisting. I really like 22 gauge wrapped with 2 28 gauge wires.
Claptons are a bitch to build, ohm low, burn hot, and burn through juice the most quickly of any build. These consist of a higher gauge kanthal wire actually wrapped around a lower gauge wire with a drill or other power-tool. So for example, 32g kanthal wrapper around a strand of 24g kanthal.
Stovetops are below average in flavor and clouds to a average coils. I wouldn’t recommend actually vaping on it despite how cool it looks.
Quad coils really depend on your set up. I found that using quad coils in an 18650 atty is pointless because it sucks down batteries and doesn’t really perform much better than a dual coil, unless you are building with 28 gauge or higher, but at that point I would just use a thicker wire and get the same results. In 26650 atty’s however, quad coils are king because they have that huge chamber and the batteries have enough mah to make it work.
Choosing between vertical and horizontal coils really comes down to the atty. Some atomizers perform better with one or the other depending on the shape of the airholes, chamber, and posts. Learning when to use which just comes from experimenting.
So really, in the end, it all comes down to preference and which atomizer you are using. Some are designed for dual-coils, microcoils, or even standard coils. These are generally the defaults however.
Rebuildable Atomizer (RBA) = Microcoil, Parallel Coil, Clapton, Twisted
Rebuildable Tank Atomizer (RTA) = Microcoil, Macrocoil
Clearomizer = standard coil, microcoil (if you can get one to fit. Do NOT let the coil touch the walls of any clearomizer). Do NOT go below 1.3 ohms if you are on a USB rechargeable battery like the eGo Spinner, iStick, etc. These are around 3 amps MAX and you do not want to vent that battery even if it does fire.
Choosing the right coil for your mod
benefits of coil, Best Coils, build coil, build vapor coil, choose coil, Choosing a Coil, clapton, clapton coils, Coil builds for, coils for, macrocoil, Microcoil, Nanocoil, Parallel coil, stovetop coil, vapercoils
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